45 Empowering Quotes to Live By
The past couple of years have been transformational for me.
I started sharing inspirational messages on Instagram. I started the journey of writing a book about self-rediscovery and emotional healing. I truly started living out my life’s mission to empower, entertain and uplift others.
I’m so grateful I did.
I’ve received messages from hundreds of people saying how they’ve been touched by the words I’ve shared and how specific posts have helped them cope, heal and move forward. A few folks even printed out or framed what I wrote. To be honest, that kind of feedback has given me the encouragement I needed to keep going.
I can’t wait to continue pushing even further in this direction next year. For now, I rounded up all 45 of my original inspirational Instagram posts from 2018 and 2019 below for you. May they empower you. May they help you re-gain perspective, power and peace. May they give you what you need to keep going.
And never stop.
[Click here to jump to 2019 quotes.]
1. Gratitude opens up little doors in your heart that you previously kept locked.
Caption: When those doors unlock and open, it’s possible for you to pick and choose your own adventure. It’s possible to start over. It’s possible to pursue any direction your heart can imagine.. “Thank you” is the key to unlocking your true potential. All you have to do is recognize that you’ve had the power within you all along. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
2. If you can’t find a way, make one.
Caption: There are so many obstacles and hurdles in life. Truth is, you may even be one of the biggest ones getting in your own way.
But you can clear those obstacles and hurdles if you get creative and jump high enough. Or simply run around them. Or duck under them. Or knock them the hell over.
Finding your way forward when you can’t seem to get your footing is one of the most fulfilling challenges in life. Because it pushes you to select the path that makes the most sense for you. When you think you’ve run out of places to turn, and you seem to hit a dead end, turn it into a fork in the road and forge your own path into the unknown.
Bottom line: Don’t trap yourself in a cage. Break free by realizing that you already are free to do whatever you think you’re capable of doing. There’s always another option at your disposal if you’re willing to see things in a new light.
3. Fake it ‘til you make it.
4. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a niche career—unless it’s your passion.
5. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.
6. You’re the best copilot you could ask for. Trust your intuition.
Caption: Tonight, I hosted a dinner party with four of my closest friends. We gathered around my kitchen island as we typically do, and recounted travel stories from previous trips and planned new adventures for the future. Honestly, I’m constantly inspired by them. So, In lieu of sharing my own #wordsofwisdom this week, I had them share the best piece of advice they’ve ever received. And they didn’t disappoint (swipe right to see all four!). Sarah Anne’s reads, “Fake it ‘til you make it (because guess what... everyone else is!!!)” Chris’ says, “Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a niche career—unless it’s your passion.” Danny shared, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.” (So true!) And, last but of course not least, Josh wrote, “You’re the best copilot you could ask for... trust your intuition.” A M E N! All very different pieces of amazing advice from equally as amazing human beings and souls. Blessed to call them friends and to have their guidance in my life. Sometimes the greatest reminders for us are already in our lives and yet we don’t open our eyes and our hearts wide enough to see them. Feeling thankful to be surrounded by such love and support.
7. A single act of generosity and kindness has ripple effects through the entire Universe.
Caption: Instead of thinking about all of the things you stand to gain from a person or situation, think about all of the things you can give. Spreading unconditional love and being a force of positive energy in the world is contagious—and necessary. Be that light for someone today.
8. You are literally made from the remnants of stars. It’s time to start shining.
Caption: You are a little baby star. And you were born to shine. Try not to keep your light locked inside for fear you might blind the world. It needs you and all of your gorgeous glow—now more than ever.
9. People will tell you what you want to hear, but their actions will show you what you need to know.
Caption: There are more ways than ever to tell someone you care. And that’s a beautiful thing. But those who back it up with action are the ones to hold near and dear to your heart. Remember that trust is built consistently over time. Only then does someone’s true character emerge to back up—or disprove—their words.
10. You aren’t defined by how you stumble and fall, you’re defined by how you get back up and stand tall.
Caption: Whether it’s heartbreak, health problems or just a hellish month or year—life sure does have a way of bringing you to your knees. And staying down for the count feels easy when you’re overwhelmed and not sure how to start over. But all you need to do is stand up again, learn what you can from your mistakes and be willing to take one step forward at a time into acceptance, forgiveness and love. Because you are so much more than just what you’ve been through, you are what you choose to become.
11. Your network helps you realize your net worth.
Caption:All relationships are literal investments of your time and energy—and should help you grow and support you on your path to becoming a better version of yourself than you could be on your own. Our closest connections should complement us in areas where we may lack strength and help to shore us up. But if a friend or colleague or lover shifts to become a source of deprivation instead of inspiration, your investment is no longer a wise one and you must let go. Your circle of trust cannot be compromised. You may also be the source of deprivation for others, in which case they may reconsider their investment in you as well. All relationships are ultimately a two-way street.
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is famous for advocating the idea that you become like the handful of people with whom you spend the most time. So, is your handful of folks pushing you to achieve your goals, hopes and dreams—or are they holding you back? Only you can decide.
12. Remember this: You once wished for what you have right now. Remain grateful.
Caption: It’s easy to get complacent and forget the many blessings bestowed upon you. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if you only had this or that then you’d be happy. Your mind is programmed to reconfigure your past through the lens of your present, so we tend to forget all the things we wished for and worked for that manifested in our lives. But when you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t, you’ll see the progress rather than striving for perfection. And you’ll remember the winding road, the hard-fought lessons and all of the love that lifted you up along the way. Because tomorrow’s not guaranteed—and life’s too short not to express appreciation for the gifts of today.
13. You are deserving and worthy of the deepest love imaginable.
Caption: Your very soul longs to love and to be loved—and to truly understand and be understood by others—in a genuine, safe way. But your ego and shame try to sabotage those desires in two ways. First, they try to trick you into thinking that you are not worthy of many things, the greatest of which is love. Then they try to trick you into believing that being and revealing who you really are is dangerous and unwise, especially if you’ve ever had your heart broken before. Because if you believe that you’re not worthy of love and that belief is validated with rejection and heartbreak, then why even bother opening up? Worse yet, you may settle for less than you deserve or stay attached to an unhealthy situation because you don’t believe you warrant something or someone better. But these are two of the biggest lies ever told. They fuel a vicious cycle of self-doubt and self-destructive behavior that attracts the very pain you’re trying to avoid. The truth is that you are so deserving and always were—and no one and nothing can ever take that away from you. The only way you can break the cycle and move forward is by remaining open emotionally and embracing your inherent worthiness, no matter how scary it may be. This is the essence of vulnerability—that brave act of rebelling against these two forces of darkness to live in the light of your truth. The greatest love is waiting for you on the other side of your fear. But only you have the power to let down your walls, disarm your shame and allow that love in. So, do you dare?
14. When you love yourself more than you cling to the memory of your pain, you’re finally ready to heal.
Caption: Sometimes the past just won’t seem to stay there. Truth is, it’s easy to cling to the hurt and replay the painful memories over and over again—or to wonder whether it’s worth revisiting entirely. But there is no going back. Stay focused on re-learning the lesson that experience taught you, and think about all the ways it helped you grow into who you are today. And then surround yourself with the radical love that will help you heal. Write yourself a love letter. Make a gratitude list or journal. Prioritize people who support you and who make you feel safe and understood. Do those things you know will help to re-center yourself so you can finally let go. Because we don’t get to decide what happens to us, but we do get to choose peace over pain.
15. You haven’t come this far to give up now.
Caption: The road can be long and winding. And the terrain can get rough. But it’s all a part of your journey and your learning experience. Even if you make a wrong turn along the way, never allow yourself to lose hope. Just like the sun, you shall rise again tomorrow. Keep the faith.
16. Leasing out your self-worth to other people is a sure-fire way to end up emotionally bankrupt.
Caption: Only YOU have the power to affirm yourself.
17. Sometimes not getting what you want can be the biggest blessing in the world.
Caption: When something doesn’t work out the way you thought it would, it can be easy to feel disappointed. Don’t fret: It is still a learning opportunity—one that is preparing you for an even bigger and better outcome than you could imagine on your own. Trust the process.
18. Most of the emotional pain we experience in life stems from 2 things:
Wishing things were different than they are.
Focusing on what we don’t have instead of being grateful for what we do.
Caption: Resisting reality and the way things are will only perpetuate pain in your life. You really only have two choices: Either accept what you cannot change or change what you cannot accept.
19. While you were waiting on the Universe to send you a blessing, it was waiting on you to realize that you are the blessing.
Caption: There is only now. There is only this. There is only you. You become fully aware of your potential when you realize that you already have everything you need inside of you. And you always have—and will. You just need to give yourself permission to wield it.
20. Your emotional triggers are speaking to you. Are you listening?
Caption: What makes you afraid or angry, happy or sad? Pay attention the next time your emotions rise within you and try to meet them with a sense of curiosity and presence. The very things that tend to make us feel upset (or fulfilled, for that matter) say more about us than they do about the person or situation we think caused it. Stay receptive and open to the lesson laid out for you.
21. Your worthiness can only come from within, otherwise you’ll always feel without.
Caption: Validation from within will never leave you feeling without.
22. The New Golden Rule: Always act out of the power of your light instead of allowing others to trigger your darkness.
Caption: From here on out, try to live by the New #GoldenRule. Always meet the darkness with light instead of more darkness, ego and fear. Do not let others lead you astray and trap you in a situation that does not reflect your core values. This will help to ensure that you live in line with who you are instead of just reacting to what happens to you. No matter what comes your way, you will meet each situation with precisely the same approach and energy. Your character and integrity will be intact despite how much your own darkness and ego—and the darkness and ego of others—may try to distract you. You will be fiercely spiritually sound.
23. One of the healthiest things you can do in life is realize when something no longer serves the light in you.
Caption: One of the hardest parts of life is learning to let go of what may be holding you back. This may take the form of fear or unsupportive friends or a career that’s stagnant or gone stale. Recognize that pruning is necessary for growth; focus on surrounding yourself with people and experiences that serve your light and you’ll never stray from the path that’s meant for you.
24. The light in you is so much stronger than your darkness.
Caption: You are not the mistakes you’ve made or the things you may have done or not done. You are not what you may have failed at or accomplished. You cannot be defined by your external associations because your inner existence is unimaginably luminous and pure. And nothing and no one can take that from you.
25. What you think makes you broken is actually what makes you beautiful.
Caption: Being human means being hurt and making mistakes—and learning to be fine with both. Embrace your messiness and keep shining.
26. Do not long for what you think you lack. Gratitude creates abundance and will never hold you back.
Caption: Instead of focusing on what you want, think about everything you already have. Your life is rich and abundant just as it is.
27. The energy you put into loving yourself manifests in all aspects of your life, which is why all love must originate with self-love.
Caption: #selflove is not a waste of time—it’s an investment. The more you lead with love on a daily basis, the more it permeates your entire existence. It all starts with you.
28. Learn to appreciate both the inhale and the exhale of life.
Caption: Yin and yang, light and dark, asleep and awake. Life is balanced by opposing energies. As you head into the weekend, think about where you are on your own journey and try to stay in balance.
29. Your mind cannot possibly fathom the depths of your beautiful heart.
Caption: Some things are not meant to be understood through thought. Your heart is one of them. Find comfort in knowing that you are deeper and stronger than you realize.
30. A clear mind and open heart unlock the power of possibility.
Caption: There are so many blessings waiting for you this year. The first one is realizing that your life itself is a gift. The rest will follow if you find stillness, clarify your intentions and believe with every fiber of your being that you are worthy of receiving them. Because there’s nothing more magnetic than a soul that’s awakened to the love with which it was created.
31. You are the common denominator.
Caption: You are the common thread in all of your experiences. When things keep unraveling, it may be time to look inward, heal and return to love.
32. How you look at what has happened to you is more important than what actually happened.
Caption: You are so much more than what you’ve been through. You can choose peace. You can choose healing. You can choose not to be a victim. Your power ultimately lies in your perspective. Dig deep and find gratitude for the pain and all it taught you. You are so much stronger not in spite of it, but because of it.
33. Boundaries vs. Walls
Embrace love
Dynamic and compassionate
Represent possibilities
Welcome the right people inside
Trap love inside
Based in fear
Immovable and stubborn
Represent limitations
Lock everyone out
Caption: Boundaries are so important. Not for the sake of protecting yourself, which is an idea rooted in fear, but for the sake of nurturing and enhancing what’s truest and best about you: That you are a singular expression of a greater love that permeates all things.
34. Paradise waits not on the other side of the storm, but deep in its depths in the fullness of your heart.
Caption: Control is an unconscious act rooted in the belief that you know better than the Universe. Surrender, on the other hand, is a conscious act rooted in the trust that the Universe will always pull you in the direction of love. What would it look like if, instead of trying to control everything, you focused on loving yourself more fully, being present in this moment and expressing yourself from the deepest parts of your being? Sounds a lot like paradise to me—even in the midst of the wildest storm.
35. The greatest gift you can ever give yourself is permission.
Caption: When you give yourself permission, you dignify your right to be here. You proclaim your worth. You declare that you matter.
Give yourself permission to be happy.
Give yourself permission to be free.
Give yourself permission to try.
Give yourself permission to change.
Give yourself permission to take your time.
Give yourself permission to live in your truth.
Give yourself permission to be unapologetically you.
The permission slip you’ve been looking for was in your heart all along. It’s yours to sign and wield.
36. Surrender vs. Control
Conscious act
Based in faith
Belief that the Universe=love
Present orientation
Focused on freedom
What’s best for all involved?
Unconscious act
Based in fear
Belief that the Universe=hostile
Future orientation
Focused on outcome
What’s best for me?
Caption: Faith or fear. Peace or anxiety. Freedom or fixation. You get to decide. Recognize where you have no control and choose to surrender instead. Your happiness depends on it.
37. The colors of the rainbow don’t compete, they just shine.
Caption: Shine as bright as you can, dear one. But remember this: Someone else shining brightly does not diminish your light. There’s enough darkness in the world without you needing to dim. Learn to celebrate and lift up light and love in all its forms. It’s what you were put here to do.
38. You can’t hold a fire in your heart and expect to not get burned.
Caption: Forgiveness is the aloe your heart has been longing for, sweet one. It’s a shift in perspective. It’s a miracle. It’s how you will begin to heal. And return to love.
39. Underneath your anger, sadness and frustration is an infinite and indestructible well of clarity, hope and love.
Caption: Go deeper inside and you will discover the truth of who you are. You aren’t angry or sad or frustrated. You are the awareness experiencing those emotions. Your true nature is kind, peaceful and compassionate. Push beyond the surface and you will begin to reconnect with—and reorient yourself back to—love.
40. Laughter is the fingerprint of the happiest part of your soul.
Caption: Life can be serious. But you don’t always have to be. Approach things with a sense of wonder and a sense of humor—and watch your frustration melt into laughter.
41. True healing occurs at the intersection of honesty and bravery.
Caption: If you really want to heal, get relentlessly real about how you feel. Honor your heart time and time again by respecting its truth—your truth—and you will slowly but surely begin to mend. The emotional energy you release will be the very fuel that propels you bravely forward. Always remember that this is your power.
42. Happiness doesn’t exist in some other person, place or time; happiness is a state of mind that is unlocked through the utmost acceptance of your daily assignment to learn—and to love. Even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. Even when you think you can’t possibly give any more. You will. Because you must.
Caption: Don’t aim for happiness.
Aim for resilience.
Aim for courage.
Aim for gratitude.
Happiness is an inside job. As long as you think some other person, place, achievement, object or time will make you happy, you will paradoxically never find happiness. This is your story, after all. It’s time to stop giving all the other characters your power.
43. Saying thank you is the turning point between letting go of what’s happened and embracing what’s to come.
Caption: Never underestimate the power of saying thank you. Gratitude is a sacred act that helps you honor your journey and welcome the blessings yet to come. What are you grateful for now that you never thought you’d get past? Tell me in the comments below.
44. Don’t wonder why they did what they did, wonder why it made you feel the way you feel.
Caption: When your heart speaks to you, make sure you listen. Make sure you honor its truth. Make sure you cradle its whispers. In the end, it is one of your greatest teachers.
45. Pay close attention to those that encourage you, even in quiet moments or small wins. These are your cheerleaders, these are your people.
Caption: Tag three people who encourage you below.
Which of the quotes is your favorite? What other empowering quotes do you live by? Tell me in the comments below—or Tweet me @crackliffe.